Senin, 29 April 2019

Modern Dance

Modern dance is a broad genre of western concert or theatrical dance, primarily arising out of Germany and the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Modern dance is often considered to have emerged as a rejection of, or rebellion against, classical ballet. Socioeconomic and cultural factors also contributed to its development. In the late 19th century, dance artists such as Isadora DuncanMaud Allan, and Loie Fuller were pioneering new forms and practices in what is now called aesthetic or free dance for performance. These dancers disregarded ballet's strict movement vocabulary, the particular, limited set of movements that were considered proper to ballet, and stopped wearing corsets and pointe shoes in the search for greater freedom of movement.
Throughout the 20th century, sociopolitical concerns, major historical events, and the development of other art forms contributed to the continued development of modernist dance in the United States and Germany. Moving into the 1960s, new ideas about dance began to emerge, as a response to earlier dance forms and to social changes. Eventually, postmodern dance artists would reject the formalism of modern dance, and include elements such as performance artcontact improvisationrelease technique, and improvisation.[1]
American modern dance can be divided (roughly) into three periods or eras. In the Early Modern period (c. 1880–1923), characterized by the work of Isadora Duncan, Loie Fuller, Ruth St. DenisTed Shawn, and Eleanor King, artistic practice changed radically, but clearly distinct modern dance techniques had not yet emerged. In the Central Modern period (c. 1923–1946), choreographers Martha GrahamDoris HumphreyKatherine DunhamCharles Weidman, and Lester Horton sought to develop distinctively American movement styles and vocabularies, and developed clearly defined and recognizable dance training systems. In the Late Modern period (c. 1946–1957), José LimónPearl PrimusMerce CunninghamTalley BeattyErick HawkinsAnna SokolowAnna HalprinPaul Taylor introduced clear abstractionism and avant-garde movements, and paved the way for postmodern dance.[2]
Modern dance has evolved with each subsequent generation of participating artists. Artistic content has morphed and shifted from one choreographer to another, as have styles and techniques. Artists such as Graham and Horton developed techniques in the Central Modern Period that are still taught worldwide, and numerous other types of modern dance exist today.

Traditional Dance

folk dance is developed by people that reflect the life of the people of a certain country or region. Not all ethnic dances are folk dances. For example, ritual dances or dances of ritual origin are not considered to be folk dances. Ritual dances are usually called "Religious dances" because of their purpose. The terms "ethnic" and "traditional" are used when it is required to emphasize the cultural roots of the dance. In this sense, nearly all folk dances are ethnic ones. If some dances, such as polka, cross ethnic boundaries and even cross the boundary between "folk" and "ballroom dance", ethnic differences are often considerable enough to mention.
They share some or all of the following attributes:
  • Dances are usually held at folk dance gatherings or social functions by people with little or no professional training, often to traditional music.
  • Dances not generally designed for public performance or the stage, though they may later be arranged and set for stage performances.
  • Execution dominated by an inherited tradition from various international cultures rather than innovation (though folk traditions change over time).
  • New dancers often learn informally by observing others or receiving help from others.
More controversially, some people define folk dancing as dancing for which there is no governing body or dancing for which there are no competitive or professional institutions. The term "folk dance" is sometimes applied to dances of historical importance in European culture and history; typically originating before the 20th century. For other cultures the terms "ethnic dance" or "traditional dance" are sometimes used, although the latter terms may encompass ceremonial dances.
There are a number of modern dances, such as hip hop dance, that evolve spontaneously, but the term "folk dance" is generally not applied to them, and the terms "street dance" or "vernacular dance" are used instead. The term "folk dance" is reserved for dances which are to a significant degree bound by tradition and originated in the times when the distinction existed between the dances of "common folk" and the dances of the modern ballroom dances originated from folk ones.

Wayang Kulit

Wayang kulit is a traditional performing arts of puppet-shadow play found in the cultures of JavaBali, and Lombok, in Indonesia. In a wayang kulit performance, the puppet figures are rear-projected on a taut linen screen with a coconut-oil (or electric) light. The Dalang(shadow artist) manipulates carved leather figures between the lamp and the screen to bring the shadows to life.
Wayang kulit is one of the many different forms of wayang theatre found in Indonesia, the other being wayang beberwayang klitikwayang golekwayang topeng, and wayang wong. Wayang kulit is among the best known, offering a unique combination of ritual, lesson and entertainment. On November 7, 2003, UNESCOdesignated wayang kulit from Indonesia as one of the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.


Hinduism arrived in Indonesia from India before the Islamic and Christian era. Sanskrit became the literary and court language of Java and later of Bali.
The Hindus changed the Wayang (as did Muslims, later) to spread their religion, mostly telling stories from the Mahabharata or the Ramayana. This mixture of religion and wayang play was later praised as harmony between Hinduism and traditional Indonesian culture.
When Islam began spreading in Indonesia, the display of God or gods in human form was prohibited, and thus this style of painting and shadow play was suppressed. King Raden Patah of Demak, Java, wanted to see the wayang in its traditional form, but failed to obtain permission from Muslim religious leaders.

Religious leaders attempted to skirt the Muslim prohibition by converting the wayang golek into wayang purwa made from leather and displayed only the shadow instead of the puppets themselves.


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Rabu, 10 April 2019

Tempe Mendoan

Mendoan (Hanacarakaꦩꦼꦤ꧀ꦢꦺꦴꦮꦤ꧀ , Dialek BanyumasMendoanMataraman dan SemaranganMendhoan) adalah makanan sejenis gorengan yang berasal dari wilayah Karesidenan Banyumas di Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Kata Mendoan dianggap berasal dari Bahasa Banyumasan yaitu mendo yang berarti setengah matang atau lembek. Mendoan berarti memasak dengan minyak panas yang banyak dengan cepat sehingga masakan tidak matang benar. Bahan makanan yang paling sering dibuat Mendoan adalah tempe dan tahu.


Mendoan tidak mudah untuk dibuat karena ketahanan tempenya berbeda dengan tempa-tempe pada umumnya. Mendoan akan berasa asam ketika diletakan pada ruangan dengan temperatur di atas suhu kamar, akan lebih baik jika menyimpan mendoan ditempat dengan temperatur rendah. Mendoan tempe disajikan dalam keadaan panas disertai dengan cabe rawit atau sambal kecap. Mendoan tempe dapat dijadikan sebagai lauk makan ataupun makanan ringan untuk menemani minum teh atau kopi saat santai.
Mendoan tempe mudah ditemui di warung-warung tradisional di wilayah eks karesidenan Banyumas semisal Purbalingga, Cilacap , Banjarnegara dan Tegal. Untuk wilayah Banyumas, para pelancong membeli oleh-oleh mendoan tempe di daerah Sawangan, Purwokerto, yang merupakan pusat jajanan khas Purwokerto. Rasa yang unik membuat makanan ini menyebar hingga ke luar daerah Banyumas. Tempe Mendoan dapat ditemui di kota-kota besar Jawa TengahYogyakarta bahkan hingga ke Jakarta.
Di kota-kota lain di Jawa Tengah seperti Semarang, Mendoan lebih merujuk ke tempe goreng tepung, atau di daerah lain seperti di Kabupaten Wonosobo disebut Tempe kemul, di mana tempe yang berbentuk tipis itu hanya irisan. Hal ini sedikit menimbulkan kerancuan, terutama bagi pendatang dari Jawa Tengah bagian barat. Mendoan Purwokerto berbeda dengan mendoan dari beberapa kota di wilayah jawa tengah, lebih terasa basah minyaknya. Mendoan khas Purwokerto lebih nikmat apabila di sajikan dalam keadaan hangat utamanya dimakan sambil menyeduh teh atau kopi hangat. Makanan ini dapat dibuat tanpa memperhatikan besarnya tempe atau banyaknya tepung. Mendoan tanpa tempe atau mendoan dari bekas sisa tepung juga nikmat disantap.


Rendang is a Southeast Asian spicy meat dish, which originated in Indonesia, especially the ethnic group of Minangkabau people,and is now commonly served across the country. One of the characteristic foods of Minangkabau culture, it is served at ceremonial occasions and to honour guests. Rendang is also served among the Malay community. Rendang is traditionally prepared by the Minangkabau community during festive occasions such as traditional ceremonies, wedding feasts and Hari Raya (Eid al-Fitr).
Although culinary experts often describe rendang as a curry, rendang is usually not considered as such in Indonesia since it is richer and contains less liquid than is normal for Indonesian curries. In 2011 an online poll of 35,000 people by CNN International chose rendang as the number one dish of their "World's 50 Most Delicious Foods (Readers' Pick)" list.In 2018, rendang is officially recognised as one of 5 national dishes of Indonesia.


Rendang is made from beef (or occasionally beef liverchickenmuttonwater buffaloduck, or vegetables like jackfruit or cassava). Chicken or duck rendang also contains tamarind and is usually not cooked for as long as beef rendang.[24]
The original Indonesian-Minangkabau rendang has two categories, rendang darek and rendang pesisirRendang darek (‘land rendang’) is an umbrella term for dishes from old regions in mountainous areas of Minangkabau such as BatusangkarAgamLima Puluh KotaPayakumbuhPadang Panjang and Bukittinggi. It mainly consists of beef, offal, poultry products, jackfruit, and many other vegetables and animal products which are found in these places. Rendang pesisir (‘coastal rendang’) is from the coastal regions of Minangkabau such as Pariaman, Padang, Painan and Pasaman. Rendang pesisir mainly consists of seafood, although it is not unusual for them to incorporate beef or water buffalo meat in their rendang.
Indonesian Rendang variations:
  1. Rendang daging: meat rendang. The most common rendang is made from beef, but may also be from water buffalogoatmuttonor lamb, speciality of Padang.
  2. Rendang ayam: chicken rendang, speciality of Batusangkar and Bukittinggi.
  3. Rendang baluik (rendang belut)eel rendang, speciality of Solok. In the Solok dialect, it is also called ‘randang baluk’.
  4. Rendang cubadak (rendang nangka): jackfruit rendang, speciality of Payakumbuh.
  5. Rendang hati: cow liver rendang, speciality of Minangkabau.
  6. Rendang itiak (rendang bebek): duck rendang, speciality of Bukittinggi.
  7. Rendang jamur: mushroom rendang
  8. Rendang jantung pisangbanana blossom rendang, speciality of Minangkabau.
  9. Rendang jariang (rendang jengkol)jengkol rendang, speciality of Bukittinggi.
  10. Rendang jo kantang: beef rendang with baby potatoes, speciality of Kapau.
  11. Rendang lokan (rendang tiram): marsh clam rendang, speciality of coastal Minangkabau regions such as PariamanPainan and Pesisir Selatan.
  12. Rendang paru: cow's lung rendang, speciality of Payakumbuh.
  13. Rendang pucuak ubi (rendang daun singkong): cassava leaf rendang, speciality of Minangkabau.
  14. Rendang runtiah (rendang suir): shredded beef or poultry rendang, speciality of Payakumbuh.
  15. Rendang tahu: tofu rendang, speciality of Minangkabau.
  16. Rendang talua (rendang telur): egg rendang, speciality of Payakumbuh.
  17. Rendang tempetempe rendang, speciality of Minangkabau.
  18. Rendang tongkol: mackerel tuna rendang, speciality of coastal Minangkabau regions

Soto Mie Bogor

Hasil gambar untuk soto mie bogor sejarah
Soto Mie Bogor merupakan campuran dari daging sapi, kikil, usus, urat, babat, risol, kentang atau lobak rebus, mi kuning, tomat, serta kol, yang dipadu dengan kuah, lalu ditaburi dengan daun bawang dan seledri. Semakin komplet dengan tambahan emping melinjo.
Berbeda dengan kuah soto pada umumnya, yang bening atau pakai santan, kuah Soto Mie Bogor terlihat berwarna kemerahan yang timbul dari campuran cabai merah dalam bumbunya. Rasanya semakin pedas menggigit karena disajikan dengan sambal yang merupakan campuran cabai rawit dan cuka, serta potongan jeruk limau untuk menambah kesegaran rasanya.
Hidangan pedas dan gurih ini cocok untuk disantap sebagai pendamping nasi, baik saat makan pagi, siang atau pun malam.

Modern Dance

Modern dance  is a broad genre of western  concert or theatrical dance , primarily arising out of Germany and the United States in the la...